Nestled within the Tongluo Science Park, the Taiwan Hakka Museum serves as a global platform for the exchange of Hakka culture, industry, and tourism. It aims to introduce people to the Hakka culture, invite them to visit Hakka villages, and showcase the charm of the "Taiwan Hakka World" so they can experience the rich and vibrant Hakka culture.
Graced by the Hakka culture, Taiwan is made even more beautiful. The architectural design concept of the Hakka Museum resembles "landscape architecture," reflecting the Hakka spirit of respecting nature. It preserves the original vegetation and landscape of the site, seamlessly integrating the Hakka spirit into the beautiful natural surroundings.
In this modern and innovative architectural environment, the abstract terraced shape of the main building, the landscape facilities, and the Hakka patterns found throughout the interior flooring indirectly evoke a sense of familiarity with Hakka impressions among visitors while bringing them new surprises and sensations.