
Hakka Tour


Shigang Dist., Taichung City

23 ~ 30 °C
Probability of Precipitation
50 %

If you want to learn more about Hakka culture and history, Shigang is the place to be. Tuniu Hakka Cultural Hall, Shigang Library, and Hakka Cultural Artifacts Center will take you through old Hakka memories. If you want to take popular social media photos, the 3D painted village in Jiufangli, the hot air balloon carnival, and Huayang Light Art Festival will make your camera go nonstop. Follow along Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way to enjoy the charming Shigang.

Fun activities
  • Shigang Tuniu Hakka Cultural Hall is rebuilt at the old site of Liu’s Group House with the efforts from various partners after the Great Earthquake of September 21.
  • Lover's Wooden Bridge is the longest scenic wooden bridge in the Far East. The romantic and photogenic Huayang Light Art Festival is held nearby.
Hakka dialects Dapu dialect
Hakka delicacies
Hakka stir-fry
This Hakka signature dish is made by first stir-frying pork belly and dried tofu on high heat, then adding dried squid, and finally sautéing with chili peppers, celery, and green onions. A classic dish with layers of flavors is ready to be served!
Asian pear
The plump pears are large and heavy. When peeled, the juice flows out continuously, revealing the white flesh that is juicy and fine. The crisp and refreshing taste with the sweet aroma make this fruit irresistible.
Ponkan orange
Ponkans have a protruding pedicel and therefore are called pon(protruding)-kan(orange) in Taiwanese. The orange-yellow peel is smooth and shiny, and the fruit is plump in a slightly flat shape. They are small in size, sweet, sour, juicy, and flavorful.
Last Updated:2023-03-10
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