
Hakka Tour


Xinshe Dist., Taichung City

23 ~ 30 °C
Probability of Precipitation
50 %

Xinshe took the concept of Taipei MRT to plan seven creative travel routes in different colors, allowing visitors to try different themed itineraries. On the pink route, there are many scenic spots and leisure parks where you can enjoy flowers. The “Sea of Flowers in Xinshe” festival is a grand event that captures visitors’ attention. On the brown route, you must try the mushroom cuisine. The mushroom picking guided tour allows the public to better understand the ecology of mushrooms. Come and follow the poles marked with different colors, you will enjoy touring around Xinshe.

Fun activities
  • The green, yellow, red, purple, blue, pink, and brown line each represents a different themed route with its own characteristics and charm.
  • Bailengzun is the water of life in Xinshe. The No. 2 inverted siphon is recognized as one of the top 100 great sights of Taiwan. It is a spectacular and important facility.
  • Jiuzhuang (nine villages) Ma (Mazu), a goddess without temples, is an important belief of the Hakka people in Xinshe. The Jiuzhuang Ma pilgrimage around nine villages is the most important annual event in Xinshe.
Hakka dialects Dapu dialect
Hakka delicacies
Chicken with Hakka kumquat sauce
This classic dish is made with the meat of white free-range chicken that is sweet and not too fatty with yellow and crispy skin, dipped in a little Hakka kumquat sauce. The slightly sweet and sour taste is what makes the authentic Hakka flavor.
Stir-fried chitlins with ginger
This dish is made by stir-frying pig intestines, green onion, ginger, garlic, and pickled mustard leaf in a hot pan. A bite of the chewy intestine with ginger is tart, refreshing, and mouthwatering!
Mushroom feast
A wide variety of mushrooms cooked by various methods becomes a mushroom feast suitable for mushroom lovers and those who enjoy trying new things. When visiting Xinshe, consider trying the freshest mushroom feast.
Last Updated:2023-03-10
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