
Hakka Tour


Dongshi Dist., Taichung City

23 ~ 30 °C
Probability of Precipitation
50 %

Dongshi, Taichung has a pleasant climate and abundant rainfall, which makes it highly suitable for growing fruits, such as grafted pears, tankan oranges, and grapes. Whether for Hakka cultural festivals or nature and parks, Dongshi has rich recreational resources for you to explore. Ride a bicycle to tour around town at a relaxed pace and enjoy the unique charm of Dongshi!

Fun activities
  • Dongshi Hakka Story Museum is the restored old Dongshi Public School. It has witnessed the development of history and culture of Dongshi District.
  • Recreational parks such as Ruanpikeng Leisure Agricultural Area, Pears Homeland, and Dongshi Forest Garden are all good places to watch fireflies.
  • The 12-kilometer-long Dongfeng Bicycle Green Way is rebuilt from abandoned railway tracks, connecting multiple attractions of nature and architecture and promoting local green tourism.
Hakka dialects Dapu dialect
Hakka delicacies
Beef noodle
In the early days, Zhongli had the largest livestock markets in northern Taiwan, where all kinds of fresh and delicious meat were available. Many beef noodle restaurants were established here, offering flavorful beef noodle with Hakka pickled mustard leaf.
When you take a bite of these big dumplings with bouncy outer skin and rich fillings, the juicy and savory taste of pork and cabbage will burst out in your mouth, making you pick up one after another.
Hakka triangular dumpling
These crystal-clear triangular dumplings look like mini ba-wans. They are aromatic and bouncy. Mastering the perfect balance between salt, white pepper, and sesame oil is the key to flavoring. The traditional Hakka flavor is truly simple.
Memories of Hakka regions
Photo credit: Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council
Last Updated:2023-03-10
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