
Hakka Tour


Zhuolan Township, Miaoli County

23 ~ 31 °C
Probability of Precipitation
50 %

Zhuolan was formerly known as “Dalan (da2lan2),” which means “beautiful field” in the Bahase language. Hakka people took the pronunciation and named it Dalan (da3lan2). The significant temperature difference between day and night in Zhuolan, coupled with the pure water source of Daan River for irrigation, makes Zhuolan an important fruit producing area in Taiwan such that it is known as the "Home of Fruits." Juicy and sweet Asian pears, grapes, starfruit, and oranges are the four kings of fruit in Zhuolan.

Fun activities
  • Zhan Bing Literature Museum commemorates the late Hakka poet from Zhuolan. The Japanese-style dormitory was renovated to display Zhan Bing’s manuscript and artifacts.
  • During the fruit harvest season, the fruit picking tours are very fulfilling. The freshly picked fruits can be eaten immediately. It is an activity that makes adults and children equally happy!
  • The extraordinary creation of nature, Zhuolan Grand Canyon, is just beside County Highway 140 by Zhuolan embankment. You can take photos with its spectacular scenery without going abroad!
Hakka dialects Sixian dialect、Dapu dialect、Raoping dialect
Hakka delicacies
Goose meat
At a Hakka restaurant, you must order a plate of fatty and tender goose meat! The freshly slaughtered warm goose meat is cooked in a traditional cauldron, which retains the freshness, sweetness, and juiciness of the meat. It goes well with plain rice or as an appetizer with alcoholic drinks!
Hakka triangular dumpling
These crystal-clear triangular dumplings look like mini ba-wans. They are aromatic and bouncy. Mastering the perfect balance between salt, white pepper, and sesame oil is the key to flavoring. The traditional Hakka flavor is truly simple.
Last Updated:2023-03-10
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