
Hakka Tour


Baoshan Township, Hsinchu County

23 ~ 31 °C
Probability of Precipitation
50 %

Good land, water, and scenery are features of Baoshan. Not only does it nourish specialties such as olives, camellias, oranges, and brown sugar, the beautiful lake and mountain scenery at Baoshan Reservoir, as well as tung flowers can be enjoyed here. The annual Dazhongwu (luncheon for worshipers) Cultural Festival is a unique and time-honored Hakka celebration. You are welcome to join in to taste authentic Hakka food and learn about Hakka traditions.

Fun activities
  • Have a cup of coffee at Safulak Art District while enjoying the beautiful scenery of the nearby Baoshan Reservoir.
  • Baoshan Township is famous for its brown sugar. Xincheng Fengtang Leisure Park offers sugar factory tours, brown sugar DIY, and various brown sugar products on sale!
  • Hundreds of people carrying gifts on their shoulder, and thousands of people sharing a luncheon is the unique sight at Dazhongwu Cultural Festival. Everyone is welcome to join the grand event.
Hakka dialects Sixian dialect、Hailu dialect
Hakka delicacies
Chicken with Hakka kumquat sauce
This classic dish is made with the meat of white free-range chicken that is sweet and not too fatty with yellow and crispy skin, dipped in a little Hakka kumquat sauce. The slightly sweet and sour taste is what makes the authentic Hakka flavor.
Stir-fried chitlins with ginger
This dish is made by stir-frying pig intestines, green onion, ginger, garlic, and pickled mustard leaf in a hot pan. A bite of the chewy intestine with ginger is tart, refreshing, and mouthwatering!
Olives are high in nutritional value. Whether eaten raw, pickled, added into cooking, or extracted as olive oil and olive powder, they are great healthy food.
Brown sugar buns with filling
These round, chubby brown buns might look ordinary. As soon as you take a bite, the sweet brown sugar filling will ooze out of the dough with a light brown sugar aroma. The rich, sweet taste in your mouth is pure bliss!
Memories of Hakka regions
Photo credit: Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council
Last Updated:2023-03-10
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