
Hakka Tour


Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County

22 ~ 31 °C
Probability of Precipitation
50 %

Hengshan Township is named after Dashanbei Mountain that is lying in the middle of it. Not only can you overlook the “million-dollar” night view of Hsinchu from the top of the mountain, between spring and summer, you can also enjoy a romantic journey of "viewing flowers during the day and watching fireflies at night." The well-known Neiwan Old Street, Neiwan Suspension Bridge, and Hexing Station are also popular attractions on social media. You can’t say you’ve been to Hengshan unless you’ve tried the unique ginger lily zongzi and Hakka brown sugar cake.

Fun activities
  • Neiwan Line is one of the three branch lines of Taiwan Railway. The well-known Hexing Station symbolizes love and happiness and is a must-visit for couples.
  • When visiting Neiwan Station, you must go to Neiwan Suspension Bridge and Neiwan Theater. Neiwan Old Street is packed with authentic Hakka delicacies.
  • Every April to May is the firefly season in Hengshan. Qilong Ancient Trail and Daqidong Ancient Trail are the recommended spots for watching fireflies.
Hakka dialects Sixian dialect、Hailu dialect
Hakka delicacies
Hakka vegetable buns
The dough is made of glutinous rice and long-grain rice, and the filling is of fried shredded radish and fried shallots. The buns are steamed on top of bamboo leaves such that when the steamer is opened, the air is filled with bamboo fragrance. The buns are so tasty people would always want to take a few home after having them.
Brown sugar cake
Brown sugar cakes are made with short-grain rice and pure brown sugar. It is a simple and authentic Hakka traditional rice dessert. The soft and bouncy texture coupled with the sweet aroma of brown sugar will make you have one bite after another.
Ginger lily zongzi
Grind the rhizome of ginger lily into a powder as a seasoning, mix it with glutinous rice, lean pork, and dried radish, and wrap the mixture with ginger lily leaves, you get a zongzi with a fresh and elegant aroma of ginger lily that is very appetizing.
Memories of Hakka regions
Photo credit: Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council
Last Updated:2023-03-10
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