
Hakka Tour


Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County

23 ~ 32 °C
Probability of Precipitation
50 %

When visiting Zhudong, you must not miss the largest Hakka market in Taiwan - Zhudong Hakka Traditional Market. Here, you can not only enjoy authentic and affordable Hakka delicacies, but also learn about Hakka culture and the local style. The famous Zhudong Folk Song Competition and the Hakka Ban-yuan Festival are annual Hakka events. Zhudong is a place that combines Hakka art and culture, waiting for you to explore.

Fun activities
  • Zhudong Folk Song Competition is held for more than half a century. It is also the most important annual event in Zhudong.
  • The most highly anticipated activity at Hakka Ban-yuan Festival is the making and tasting of sticky rice balls. Families with children are welcome to participate together.
  • Ruanqiao Community in Zhudong is known as the "hidden Rainbow Village.” The fun wall paintings bring tourists here for social media photos.
Hakka dialects Sixian dialect、Hailu dialect
Hakka delicacies
Hakka vegetable buns
The dough is made of glutinous rice and long-grain rice, and the filling is of fried shredded radish and fried shallots. The buns are steamed on top of bamboo leaves such that when the steamer is opened, the air is filled with bamboo fragrance. The buns are so tasty people would always want to take a few home after having them.
Mishaimu (short rice noodles)
Mishaimu is a traditional Hakka rice-based food. It is suitable as a savory or sweet dish. With meat sauce, fried shallots, and chives, it is savory and delicious. With tapioca balls (boba), mung beans, and grass jelly, it is a summer dessert that cools you down in the summer heat.
Hakka triangular dumpling
These crystal-clear triangular dumplings look like mini ba-wans. They are aromatic and bouncy. Mastering the perfect balance between salt, white pepper, and sesame oil is the key to flavoring. The traditional Hakka flavor is truly simple.
Last Updated:2023-03-10
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