
Hakka Tour


Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County

22 ~ 31 °C
Probability of Precipitation
50 %

Mesona and pickled mustard leaf are the most representative local produce of Guanxi. When visiting Guanxi, be sure to taste related dishes. Dunan Ancient Trail, Feifeng Ancient Trail, and Caihe Mountain Trail are covered with snow-white tung flowers—like a welcome carpet for visitors—from March to May every year. The cultural Luowu (Lo House) Academy and Dongan Ancient Bridge tell the story of history and culture of Hakka regions. Take a cultural trip of Guanxi that combines delicious food and beautiful scenery!

Fun activities
  • Guanxi’s mesona is renowned. In addition to the Mesona Festival, there are various mesona dishes waiting for you to taste.
  • Visit Dunan and Feifeng Ancient Trails of the Raknus Selu Trails for the beautiful nature. You can also visit Luowu Academy, a century-old Hakka house.
  • In recent years, Guanxi Old Street has become artsy and creative, which has given new life to the quaint old houses.
Virtual Tours
Hakka dialects Sixian dialect、Hailu dialect
Hakka delicacies
Braised pork with dried pickled mustard leaf
This dish is made with specially selected Taiwanese black pork belly of 60% fat and with skin. The resulting dish is fatty but not greasy, without a hint of unpleasant smell, and it melts in the mouth. The slightly spicy taste and aroma go well with the rich flavor of dried pickled mustard leaf.
Stir-fried chitlins with ginger
This dish is made by stir-frying pig intestines, green onion, ginger, garlic, and pickled mustard leaf in a hot pan. A bite of the chewy intestine with ginger is tart, refreshing, and mouthwatering!
Hakka vegetable buns
The dough is made of glutinous rice and long-grain rice, and the filling is of fried shredded radish and fried shallots. The buns are steamed on top of bamboo leaves such that when the steamer is opened, the air is filled with bamboo fragrance. The buns are so tasty people would always want to take a few home after having them.
The obsidian-like mesona grass jelly can be enjoyed hot or cold. A cup of cold grass jelly drink can cool off the heat in the hot summer. A bowl of hot grass jelly can warm your stomach in the cold winter. Mesona can also be made into mesona cold noodles, mesona hot pot, and mesona chicken soup. A variety of ways to enjoy mesona is waiting for you!
Memories of Hakka regions
Photo credit: Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council
Last Updated:2023-03-29
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