
Hakka Tour


Pingzhen Dist., Taoyuan City

24 ~ 31 °C
Probability of Precipitation
50 %

The 200-year-old Baozhong Temple is dedicated to Lord Yimin, who embodies the Hakka “hard-neck” toughness. The 1895 Resistance of Japanese Invasion Memorial Park is a new national level park. Classic delicacies can be found at traditional Hakka restaurants. At the Taoyuan Flower Festival, there are markets where you can enjoy local delicacies while viewing flowers and taking pictures. In Pingzhen that is old and new at the same time, you can enjoy great food and all kinds of fun activities.

Fun activities
  • The 1895 Resistance of Japanese Invasion Memorial Park has been completed and launched. The landscaping in the park combines modern art and Hakka culture. It is a new social media photo hotspot in Pingzhen.
  • Taoyuan Flower Festival has multiple exhibition areas. You can walk through the colorful sea of flowers in the warm sunlight. This event brings millions of visitors to the area every year.
  • Pingzhen Art Festival combines trendy concerts, children's theaters, and DIY workshops to promote Hakka culture through art. Children and grownups can enjoy this event together.
Hakka dialects Sixian dialect、Hailu dialect
Hakka delicacies
Goose meat
At a Hakka restaurant, you must order a plate of fatty and tender goose meat! The freshly slaughtered warm goose meat is cooked in a traditional cauldron, which retains the freshness, sweetness, and juiciness of the meat. It goes well with plain rice or as an appetizer with alcoholic drinks!
Hakka braised bamboo shoots
Large pieces of freshly picked Makino bamboo shoots, after braising, absorb the essence of preserved pickled mustard leaf and the broth. This Hakka dish gives the elegant aroma of bamboo shoots as well as the retro flavor of preserved pickled mustard leaf. It is truly a classic!
Hakka stir-fry
This Hakka signature dish is made by first stir-frying pork belly and dried tofu on high heat, then adding dried squid, and finally sautéing with chili peppers, celery, and green onions. A classic dish with layers of flavors is ready to be served!
Stir-fried chitlins with ginger
This dish is made by stir-frying pig intestines, green onion, ginger, garlic, and pickled mustard leaf in a hot pan. A bite of the chewy intestine with ginger is tart, refreshing, and mouthwatering!
Memories of Hakka regions
Photo credit: Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council
Last Updated:2023-03-10
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