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Hakka Tour


Xinpi Township, Pingtung County

25 ~ 32 °C
Probability of Precipitation
50 %

Xinpi Township belongs to Zuo (left) Dui of the Liu (six) Duis. The climate is warm and pleasant, and the rainfall is sufficient, suitable for growing fruits. Papaya, wax apples, bananas are local specialties. The Zhang Group House in the village is a traditional Hakka Sanheyuan. It is located in front of the Temple of Lords of the Three Mountains. The county-designated historic site, East Gate of Jiangong Village, is also nearby. You can stop by to learn about the history of Hakka ancestors.

Fun activities
  • There are three ancient bunkers in Jihu Ancient Bunker Park, which were built by the Japanese army during World War II.
  • Xinpi Leisure Park has well-planned trails, ecological pools, and large fields of cosmos. It is a great place for a walk.
Hakka dialects Sixian dialect、Naisixian dialect
Hakka delicacies
Flat rice noodles
Ban, which is made by grinding rice with water into a pulp that is then steamed, when cut into strips, becomes flat rice noodles. Stir-fried flat rice noodles are made with fried shallots and pork strips. Flat rice noodles in soup are made with broth and chives. They are both delicious Hakka dishes.
Mishaimu (short rice noodles)
Mishaimu is a traditional Hakka rice-based food. It is suitable as a savory or sweet dish. With meat sauce, fried shallots, and chives, it is savory and delicious. With tapioca balls (boba), mung beans, and grass jelly, it is a summer dessert that cools you down in the summer heat.
Last Updated:2023-03-10
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